If you have known me a long time you know my desire to be in New York has been on top of my list for as long as you can remember. The last time I was in this city was when i was 13 and I knew after that I would come back someday. I'm here right now with the help of an unknown force some may call desire, determination, God or sometimes i would call Universe.
What fascinates me about this city is its constant motion
. People are always moving wanting to get to a certain destination
and no, they wont stop. If i put an analogy on it I would describe New York as something solid because of the concrete you'll see all around you but i would classify it as gas because of the constant motion of particles. So I'm calling it a solid gas....and take note this gas will never form pressure because the particles don't bump each other because everyone's respect of personal space. How cool is that? (literally and figuratively)

One and I think is the most popular way to get around is using its subway system powered by the MTA. A fact which my friend and I discovered on a tour. The subway was privately owned by 2 companies in the past and you know how they were distinguished? One line used numbers and the other line used letters. So now under government control, you will notice there is a line that has numbers and another having letters. Little trivia you find out once in a while.

The subway is either introduced as a scary place or the best way to go around New York. Personally, I love it. There will never be an uninteresting ride in it. What i enjoy seeing in the subway is the diversity. Several nationalities will fill the train and it doesn't matter who you are seated next to, that amuses me because no matter what you say it's possible for people to stay in one area whether they have different faces, colors of skin, different hairstyles or fashion sense. It really doesn't matter. I think its the government that wants to make us fight?!?!..LOL Another reason i like riding the subway is because it compels you to walk. Im a lover or movement and exercise so the subway system makes everyone walk. Helps keep people fit one way or another. Last favorite reason, it's the one moment you are to yourself because there is no signal. You can wallow in your thoughts or enjoy your playlist. I would make it my read time.
So next time you visit New York, be sure to use the subway as your transport of choice. Any where you go, danger is something you must be aware of. Just be careful and not go into dark alleys and places unknown. Just be aware of your surroundings, you will be fine. Just try it, here might even discover good singers and speakers...
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