Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you...
Yes...Believe it or not, I am actually here, the city I've always wanted to live in.
this point in my life I truly believe that once you set your mind into
something, it's yours. Though I know for some reason I'm going to be
here still there's this part of me that is in a state of shock that I am
actually here and walking the streets of the city I dreamed of living
in. Knowing and experiencing that makes me happy.
been a long while since I last posted that means I will be doing a lot
of updating and posting past adventures in the last 10 months. Yup, it
has been that long since we last saw each other, hehehe...
my "return" post I think this would be the most apt because of the
recent court rulings and just because it's a milestone for the LGBT
community. Just last week DOMA or the Defense of Marriage Act was ruled
unconstitutional and paved the way for complete equality for married
LGBT couples in states where it is legal. That ruling made my Pride
Month more meaningful not only that it was my first time here, Im here
celebrating a historic event in the LGBT community.
The historic court ruling was last June 26 and it was a Wednesday morning. This awesome news made people gather to the place where LGBT activism started
---Stonewall. This I couldn't miss so i went there to just be one with
the community. The atmosphere wasn't party festive but it was a serene
joyous nostalgic atmosphere. People were just hugging smiling and just a surreal moment for everyone. That was just a moment Im so happy I captured.
The Stonewall Inn, New York |
4 days after the ruling is the celebration of the most waited event for most of the LGBTs and this would be the annual Pride march. This event is in my bucket list and Im so happy that I'm here celebrating and crossing it off my list in this time of LGBT history.
Streets were closed, routes were fixed and everyone arrived at the start of the parade at 12nn. It started at 34th and 5 ave all the way to Greenwich ending at the Stonewall Inn again. I decided to watch the event down by the stonewall where everything ends.
This was truly a festive event where everyone just went there to have fun and celebrate. It was a gathering where labels were not important it was just a celebration of humanity.
Every imaginable group was in the march from corporate friends, to different nationalities, different beliefs, Party people, sports enthusiasts, people in government, they were all there supporting what the Pride march was all about.
No matter how people see things or try to control what they think is right. The pure spirit will always prevail...a true God does not discriminate or create a being s/he doesn't love..
and LOVE is the root of all that is LGBT :)
One event you should experience who or whatever you are :)