Saturday, August 4, 2012

adventure chronicles #9: Drag King Workshop

Performing on stage is one thing I truly enjoy. If I was blessed with a beautiful voice I know I would be a performer now.

After having watched the L word with Kit's episode with a drag king, i found myself saying " I want to do that!" For a conservative country like the Philippines Drag Kings are unheard of. Years ago, a couple of friends of mine have always wanted to set up a drag king event but for some reason we weren't able to put one up. So when our group organized a workshop I made myself available for that day. We had a long time drag king performer Dickie Jaxx to teach us the way to be king.

We were given an introduction on how drag kings are different from drag queens in terms of expression. I discovered aside from performing, alot of drag king performances have statements that go with the performances and that we are responsible for our shows in terms of music used and performances done.

My favorite part was the dressing and transformation part. Costume and make-up for me helps with the character. Putting facial hair, binding and packing was an exciting part of the workshop for me. I truly love performing and transforming to another persona and taking in another character is quite exciting.

We ended the workshop with a short performance. I enjoy performing with people who have no inhibitions, it makes the experience more fun. Those who attended this workshop were definitely people who knew how to have fun.

Can't wait to perform in an actual show.

suggestions for packing

We were asked to do our own pose and name it. I called this Rockstar

The crew

adventure chronicles #8: Im finally certified!

When you're single you may do things without thinking and at the spur of the moment.

Another thing that I am, I consider myself as someone who's thrifty. I make sure I spend my money wisely so getting a diving certification was not on my priority list anytime soon but i learned when one becomes single decisions can come on a whim. With a given discount and time on my hand, without thinking I just took on another adventure. I decide to take my open water dive certification. There was no doubt I would enjoy this adventure starting on day 1. Like any diving certification, sessions start in the pool. We learned several hands signals, what do on emergency situations and basically how to use the SCUBA equipment.

Being in the water is second nature for me and being able to stay underwater for a very very long period is bliss for someone like me. Not only did I enjoy learning something new I enjoyed the company I was with.

The most awaited moment for anyone taking the certification is when the pool sessions is brought to open waters. Imagine my excitement when that day arrived. We went to a near by beautiful diving resort, just about 3hrs drive from manila.

As always, exploring the sea and seeing all the fish and coral that give color to the sea is just spectacular. I even had a stare down with one of the fish. It seemed like having divers around them was just natural. Was so happy that i had no difficulty going down to around 50ft. It's just amazing to experience such beauty first hand.

Sometimes investing and spending for yourself and for something you want is not really bad. Now I'm a certified diver. I can now explore places Ive always wanted to go to.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

World-Wide LGBT Civil Rights Walk

Last April 21, 2012, the Philippines joined the world for the World Wide LGBT Civil Rights Walk. This was held at the Quezon City Circle. We had several organizations that represented all sectors of the LGBT community. It's always a happy time to be in the midst of happy people.

Always remember LGBT rights are Human Rights.

adventure chronicles #7: Bagasbas Surf Festival

Procrastination and taking time is one i should adjust on. Sometimes I forget time doesn't stop for anyone.

It's been a while since I've updated my blog but good thing the adventures haven't stopped. Surfing gave me a natural high and when i found out there was a festival in the first place i road a board I couldn't pass it up. Decided I wanted this to be one of my alone adventures again. On the day of the festival i packed my tent and went on another solo adventure. As i got there i pitched my beloved movable abode and enjoyed the (cliche-ish but) sun, sand and surf..hehehe
first beach camping :)

I enjoy being alone..I have the freedom to do things on my own and on my own time and not worrying on being a burden or a bother to others. I arrived late so i had to pitch right away and had dinner right after. I'm the type who can eat anything especially on a budget. I discovered a gotohan (congee) place which served 10-peso goto's where can you get that??

Was a bit tired so i just decided to unwind and go to bed early for a full day the next day :)

i miss drinking pale then i realized why i stopped drinking that thought made my last drink a lite
Famous Philippine Balut (duck egg) best with beer...yum!
The next day I was ready for what the festival had to offer. I started of course with what I came for, I went surfing again! This time I was able to paddle on my own and get up on the board..woohoo! as usual i had a natural high i get from any water sports. After getting stoked, I went around and did my other passion which by now you know is photography. I love taking photos of nature and anything that uses natural light...imagine how high i was was just pure bliss taking photos :) I enjoyed not only surfing but i got to watch beach football, frisbee, volleyball and wall climbing, not bad for a surf festival right?
guess who's having one  :)
Surfing newbies

Must not leave tanning lotion
Ride me!
Hang Loose Dude!
Happy photo

 My travel must do's (for local or international travel) are go to the public market, drink local beer, use public transportation and visit their beach. i was able to go around this province and got to check their local market and visted their church

The Philippines is a wonderful place. I'm happy decided to go around and see its beauty

Just love this shot

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Aside from making 2012 my activity year. I made it my fitness year as well.

Decided to join a 5k fun run without hesitation. Guess why?...Zombies will be on the loose to chase us as we run the course. Who can't say no to that?!?! :)

Outbreak Manila is the first Zombie run in the Philippines. The run was organized in Nuvali in Laguna, an area that's being developed into a commercial area for residence around the area. Runners will be provided with a belt with flags that are attached to it. The flags on the belts will represent the runner's lives the zombies objective is to get all your lives before reaching the finish line. The runners of course will try to avoid losing their flags. Runner's aren't suppose to touch the zombies.
we have 300 runners

Zombie with school kids

I saw some of my friends as i was about to finish the run. I realized that I wouldn't survive the run because my friends helped me until i got to the finish line  and because of them....


I got myself a bike!!

Always wanted to get a bike. I have dreams of finishing a triathlon and just going around on a bike. I guess when you're single you definitely think only of yourself and now look what I have :)

My baby's name is Kate

Wow I can't help but stare at my baby. Ain't she a beauty?!? :) ......... oh yeah I almost forgot I'm suppose to be writing a blog. Anyway, I'm so happy i finally decided to get one. The very next day I got the bike, I went to Subic (Subic used to be occupied by the Americans as one of their bases in asia) to check how it moves. Definitely one purchase I'm never going to regret. It was perfect, I could go around Subic the whole day if I wanted to. It just felt right as i was going around the beautifully paved road of the airbase. The ride was smooth, the seat was comfortable and best of all it looks good (yes that's the girl in me talking) That day was wonderful not only did i get to check my bike. I went biking with my aunt and cousin we had a good time in Subic that weekend. Not only that there was a triathlon at that day. Premonition or what? :)

Several weeks before I got my bike during the Holy Week break, my aunt invited me to bike (using an extra bike) around for Visita Iglesia. In the Philippines during the Holy week break Manila is literally a ghost town, most of the people are out of town. Visita Iglesia is a Holy Week practice of going around several (8-10) churches to pay respect to the Blessed Sacrament. It's a practice done by Catholics. It was a first for me. I enjoyed it because i went around on a bike and it was just wonderful going around Manila without the noisy and reckless drivers. One of the reasons i decided it was time to get a bike of my own.

Sunset in the Philippines always this beautiful

That too was my first time to spend the holy week in Manila. It was a peaceful holy week. Though i wasn't in the beach this beautiful sunset ended my day.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

adventure chronicles #6: LOVE DIVE

Timing is everything. There have been things I've always wanted to do but a lot of them I've put on hold because it felt it wasn't right doing them at that time. Before you know it because of a good vibe or feel I just do them without planning.

SCUBA diving will always be on top of the to do things for me. This of course is one that I'm not in a hurry with because it takes a little investment for this bucket list item. But with a little help from the universe sometimes there are things that are served on a silver platter so when RRights had a LGBT intro dive event on minimal cost, i grabbed the opportunity without thinking. What best way to experience an intro dive but with friends and eventual new friends from the LGBT community. The event was called LOVE dive and it is in partnership with the world OUT games. awesome or what?! and this was a week after my birthday weekend

No doubt i knew I'd enjoy discovering the marine underworld. It's such a wonderful high where in I wished i had gills. Love the water, the marine life and the different kind of silence underwater.


awesome or what?!?

My experience was definitely  unforgettable because i got to meet new friends and strengthen others. Aside from the dive itself the best memory would be interacting with friends and learning new things and insights. A weekend in the beach will always have a night with alcohol that will eventually lead to stories and sharing. There were a lot of things said and  a lot absorbed by me .. This single life is such a journey and one of the best things I'm experiencing are things people have to share or say...

Adding to this cool weekend. I won a discounted Dive certification course. I won it in a drinking contest hosted by the owners of the resort. who said alcohol is bad for you?

Can't wait to be finally certified. that of course would be another story.

Friday, April 13, 2012

adventure chronicles #5: My birthday weekend

 I'm the type who doesn't celebrate birthdays..but there are things id like to do on the day i was given the chance to live :)

Always wanted to celebrate my birthday out of town traveling alone. This year an upcoming event I've always wanted to go to coincided with my birthday, I made sure i was going there. The event is the Malasimbo Arts and Music festival. It's a 3-day event where local and international talents perform starting 4pm to around 3am. Artists are invited as well to create several installations around the venue. The event is done at the foot of Mt. Malasimbo in Puerto Galera (an island outside Manila).

View from the top of a hill

The event had an option for those who would want to pitch a tent and just enjoy the beauty of nature. I, of course took this option and brought a tent. I found a perfect area just meters from the stage. Alcohol wasn't allowed but i had to bring and hide a bottle of wine because it's my birthday, hehehe
Home base during my trip

My essentials: Wine and cheese, fruit, bread and cookies

Music lovers should at least go once to this festival. It's a definite music high starting from the first until the last performer. You'll also get another kind of high, you wouldn't worry leaving your stash at home because everywhere you went it smelt of natural herbs (if you know what i mean)...hehehe. The experience was a discovery of new talent and appreciation of different genres. I loved every minute I was there.

One of the awesome performances from the festival

Traveling alone is not as bad as people might think. Every moment i spent at Mt. Malasimbo was something i cherished. The isolation and the moments i got to meditate i believe are the times i took care of myself. I was able to assess where i am at my life now. I got to think too how i have spent my 35 years of existence.

....I guess that thought woke me up and made me realize i have a lot of catching up to do :)

here's a glimpse of the festival

Sunday, February 19, 2012

adventure chronicles #4: Getting another Tattoo

Passion is such a strong word for me. It's how I go about living my life. I don't do anything without passion. Everything I do everything i believe in are all based on this powerful word. And i learned through the years the more passion you have the more effortless and light everything becomes.

Having a tattoo never entered my mind growing up. It was not even in my subconscious I had no interest nor concerns for this art form. Until one day i saw a tattoo design that just turned on this switch in me. It was a simple design of a wave. Again, the love for water made me want to have it imprinted on me for the rest of my life. Then I told myself if i do get a tattoo I'd want a design similar to that and another rule I had was (one of those no compromise rule), If I do get one my first tattoo should be done in Boracay. Boracay, is a world class beach Island and I thought was a perfect location to get my first "wave" tattoo from. As always, when you throw thoughts to the universe, She/He/It would do something to make it happen. At the end of that year, the family decided to go to Boracay for New Year. Perfect setting for getting something that would be one of life's memorable moments. Hence, i had my first tattoo in the beautiful island of Boracay.

Getting a tattoo for most people is like having sex for the first time. It's something that your parents will discourage you from doing but once it happens they can't do anything about it. Since i knew my parents wouldn't like it, I hid it from them for several weeks and of course when my dad saw it all he said was "it's ugly" just because he doesn't like the thought of "dirtying" your skin. My first tattoo was quite beautiful, I should say.

Another thing they say about tattoos, once you have one you can't help but get another one and another one and another one. I've had 2 more tats after my first and I added two more last weekend.A friend from Canada came home for a visit and said when she gets here she'll have her tat fixed. So when she arrived a tat party was arranged for her and for others who would want to get one as well. A tat party i found out was not practiced in North America mainly for purposes of sterilization. All tats made there should be done in a parlor so our other friends from the states who joined the tattoo session thought that having it in a house and with several people was quite an experience. They said this was "so Filipino".

The first advice people say when getting a tattoo would be "make sure to think about it first". For most people, their tattoos would have stories behind them. My tattoos are all about what i love most in life and what makes me happy. I have 3 visible tattoos but i've had 5 sessions already. 2 tattoos were retouches.

Having a tattoo is definitely an adventure for me. The thought of what to put and where to place it starts the journey. Then when decision is final, next would be planning on when you will have it done. That means this is the time you are most ready for it. The minutes before the procedure is when anxiety sets in. Even though you know it's going to be ok after, the thought of the pain you'll go through would be the one that makes you think twice about it. Enduring the pain would be the toughest part of course but when you see the final product it's all worth's like climbing a high mountain and reaching the peak after hours of hiking..When you see the beauty on top,all pain and fatigue just goes away.

Definitely a unique experience i believe one should try. But it's not for every one..

"make sure to think about it first"

mens sana in corpore sano

see you on my next adventure. This would be my birthday adventure :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Travel Dreams

I love life and everything that comes with it. People my age know that nothing comes easy and sometimes they think life is terrible but i believe that life is what it is cut out to be. It's beautiful and fabulous. It's generally up to us if we want to view it that way or be swallowed by negativity of those who don't see how lucky we are to be living.

Everything is accessible now. We know what's happening in the other side of the globe in seconds. Everything can be viewed. We now know what the Sahara dessert looks like (hhmm like a dessert?,hehe) or how beautiful the barrier reef is because of photos. This accessibility makes you want to explore or see the beauty of things up close. We're even lucky because we can even observe and learn about a culture of a certain country or even a hidden tribe because there are people who document these and air it on TV. As much as the internet makes us immobile it makes us want to think big and want to explore what is out there.

When you have so much time to yourself, there are a lot of things you want to do and conquer. When you're alone, you feel that you can do so much more, it's just so liberating. Anyway, If i can travel every nook and cranny of the world i would but that's when realities and lack of funds come in so i just narrowed down my list to a few places. These are the places I know I would channel all my energy to be able to go.

My dream destinations

I love the beach that's why I want to have a good beach destination. I want to go to the Maldives to have that beach experience. India is definitely in my have to list. India has it's own unique appeal that i want to discover first hand and of course the main reason I want to go there is their food. I so love Indian food. They have a unique culture too that I must experience to understand. If I had the money to spend, Morocco would be my first destination. Like India, food is the reason I want to go there. I dream of going to the night market at Marrakech and try all the food that i can devour,hehe. Morocco, is rich in culture as well. Venice for me is like a cliche country to visit but i really want to visit that place. The main reason i want to go there is for their mardi gras. I also believe that i was an Italian in my past life and i lived in Venice---> I feel that deep in my gut :) I think visiting that place might  make me feel at home,hehe. Last place i would like to visit when i have money to spare would be Africa. I think with everything that's changing Africa will always be a destination that will give us that feel of mother nature. I feel that this place will always protect the animals ( i hope ). This country together with Italy will also satisfy my love for wine.

This is my shortlist of dream destinations but there are more I want to visit. Because of the internet our views on different beliefs, religion and philosophies have expanded. And I found out that if you visualize or you focus on the things you truly want to do you or have--> you will actually get it. So that's the other reason I'm posting these places because i really do want to go there and Im owning that thought.  This post is my visualization board. Then hopefully in future blogs you will see me capture the sites in these places. :)

I have travel destination places but I only have one place I want to live in aside from the Philippines.

and this is NEW YORK


Every time I see this city on TV or when it's featured anywhere i literally feel my heart swell. I have a soft spot for this place, I don't really know why. My first theory as i mentioned awhile ago. I feel I was an Italian in my past life and I migrated to this great city, no kidding :) . This city I think will bring out the best in you, it teaches you to be independent and people seem to don't care about you unless of course you plan to wreak havoc in their place. I feel it's a melting pot of civilization with class :)

I would definitely want to spend time there and I know I it will happen and then when Im there I'll take wonderful photos like this.

Passing thoughts for today.

Definitely loving my current state now....wait for my next will be posted next week.

Monday, January 30, 2012

adventure chronicles #3: Beach Bumming and Surfing Weekend

I've always set my retirement on living by the ocean with my mac, my pick up truck, my labs and all the books i want to read....

Been seeing this beautiful beach paradise called Calaguas all over the net and last weekend was my chance to visit it. Expectations didn't fail me at all, it definitely is a beach paradise and so damn beautiful. The trip I joined had an exciting added bonus too. We were going to one of the surf's spots near the beach and learn how to surf! Definitely a trip I'd join anytime.

The province of Bicol here in the Philippines is where all typhoons and weather disturbances hit first. It's located east of the country where most of the monsoons land. We're close to the summer season and rain is suppose not to happen by this time but of course after a long week of beautiful weather when we got there it was raining. I was happy the 9 other travelers who joined didn't make a fit about the weather and just continued with our journey.

This was an organized trip by people who love traveling and made a business out of it. You have an option to go solo or with a group of friends. This is my 2nd time to join them and i told myself everytime i do join this group I'm going solo all the time.

We were 10 travelers; 5 solo travelers, a group of 4 cousins, and our coordinator. This trip was called beach bumming experience so after 9 hours on the bus, 1 hour trip to the pier and an hour boat ride we landed on the beach and just did nothing! and that folks is what everyone should do once in a while --> escape and do nothing.

As soon as we landed, the rain stopped. The universe conspired and felt that was everyone's prayer at that moment.

One of the travelers drew this so the sun can come out. True enough it did!

This is what welcomed us as we docked....paradise!
The beach was so clear no trace of large corals or any rock formation underneath. The water was so clean, no sticky feeling just fresh sea water. The sand was just perfect as one traveler described it, it was cake sand. She was right, It felt like we were walking on sponge cake. And the best of it all, it was almost deserted just a handful of other beach goers. The loudest and maybe the only thing you can hear was the sound of waves crashing by the shore. Perfect as i remember it.

That trip yet again was another learning experience. Not only did i appreciate nature so much more i enjoyed and learned from the travelers i met. I discovered new music, I discovered how people interact, how they view things, How the youth have a deeper understanding of things around them. and life in the beach is the best! was just an awesome awesome experience.

And this lesbian traveler came out and take note there wasn't even a drop of alcohol at that time. Story goes: we were having lunch (which was cooked by our guide there, we were pampered travelers that day, i tell you) and one traveler remembered his professor describing the weather we were having to a gay person. He stopped and looked around and asked wait is there anyone gay here? He felt i guess that he was being derogatory. Sometimes i forget I am gay because it's the least thing that occupies my thoughts. Just like all gay people, we don't say anything about our sexuality and like some gay people they say that they are gay when asked. So i after a long pause, I go "oh Yeah, I am" and things just continued and he didn't even mention why it was described to a gay person. And that made me realize, travelers will be one of the most open minded people because they wont have the guts to travel if they're not ready or open to anything that may happen.

Laing: One the province' most famous dish.....Though it looks like a clump of seaweed, this is one very tasteful coconut milked flavored spicy dish

The beauty of the beach wasn't over. By dusk, the sky transformed into a beautiful fire filled canvas. and by night time, amidts the cloudy sky the stars showed up and covered us with constellations and made us review what little we knew, hehehe. And to cap of the night the universe delighted us with a shooting star so we can wish before we slept. Unbelievably perfect!

Just sit back and stare.....
The next morning was a personal agenda: it was walking by the beach time, one thing i love doing. Even with a little hangover i didn't mind walking on cake and enjoy the beauty of the water and the sound of the waves. I guess that would also be the freshest air i would have stuffed my lungs with for this month.

Just walking along the beach

good morning, boat!
Before lunch we headed to our next destination: Bagasbas Beach in Daet, Bicol to learn how to surf! woohoo! this year will be learning all the water sports I can year.

Before heading to the water we were briefed with safety on the water, basics on how to get up and what to expect. Then it was surfing time. I Was quite proud of my myself for a first timer, i was able to get up without falling. My instructor said it didn't seem like it was my first time at all. I guess my core workouts helped, hehehe...No wonder they used the words stoked when surfing it was exactly what i was feeling. I was in a complete high, and was just extremely happy. Like sailing i should have done this earlier in life but nothing to worry we're never too old to learn anything new.

Just amazing to just stand up and let the waves move you
After several successful tries this soon to be old timer water lover had to quit. With my luck i slightly pulled my back muscles and i had to rest it out. hahaha! I really need to get this back checked and nevertheless i was quite satisfied with the whole experience.

At the end of the day we were once again treated with a beautiful sunset and yummy food before heading back to reality.

This weekend beach experience is one for the books. Im happy i got to share it with you guys. You definitely have to try things you've always wanted. It's the only way to live life.

See you on my next journey

Saturday, January 21, 2012

adventure chronicles #2: Manila on a Sunday

I love my being a Filipino. Eventhough there are a lot of feelings of frustration in our so called "third world" country, there are more things to love here than you can imagine.

Today I joined the national sailing team for morning exercises. I told myself before the next time i visit this part of town Id bring my camera and document my trip going to Manila. There are lot things to see in Manila, it's always an adventure for me to go there. The colors are beautiful, the people are interesting and it always seems to be a busy place even on a Sunday.

My day started with 7am exercises with the national sailing team. We had warm-up and 45mins of jogging around the CCP complex. Sundays are allotted for workouts. After heading back to the Yacht club my morning photo adventure started.

Im obsessed with these sexy things so forgive me if they have to be in alot of my photo adventures

Like any other Asian country, we have our own share of street food you can find everywhere. Before my morning jog I had a small amount of Taho because i was getting a bit hungry. Taho looks like custard tofu mixed with caramelized sugar syrup and tapioca. Then after my jog i had a glass of refreshing buko (coconut) juice. For my breakfast, I couldn't resist my all time favorite sweet sticky rice treat called Suman.

This is what a Taho container looks like

Cold and yummy buko juice

Suman!!! my favorite 

Heading back, I saw this and i had to take a photo of it. This plant just makes me smile every time i see it.

I think it's just

Anyway, Since it's baseball-softball season for Universities, I decided to drop by the stadium to check it out. I played softball in my college years in the same venue. Going there and watching games just gives me a feeling of nostalgia every time. Softball is every part of my being and it's one thing I am very passionate about so finding out that they're using our old venue for this year's season really made me excited to watch.

As you can see Baseball or Softball is not so big in our country but nevertheless i love this game!
Staying at the top most feels like you're watching the game in HD in a movie house, love this view

After my amazing day in Manila, would you believe I got home by 10:30am. All those wonderful things I saw and still have a whole day ahead of me.

Here are more things I saw going home.

Mangoes here are a must have

Pedicabs: good transportation especially during floods

Candies can be bought just about anywhere

See you in my next adventure...